Monday, 27 October 2014

Fun Friday: Bat Bonanza with Learning Buddies

This past Friday in honour of Hallowe'en, but more importantly student interest, we held a Bat Bonanza with our Learning Buddies. We have one kinder who is especial interested in Batman. 'Interested' is not a strong enough word. This kinder's enthusiasm for Batman has stirred engagement and learning for many young kinders in Kinderland. Inspired by student interest, we created a Gotham City in our Small World play area complete with chalkboard buildings, co-created maps with literacy and numeracy, labelling, super hero designing, and using block play and loose parts to explained their thinking with plans.

We got Batty!

Kinders made Bat Flyers! They practiced different techniques similar to flying paper airplanes. 

Kinders painted negative space bats. 

Bat Hats

Echolocation Music Game: One kinder, the bat, stood blindfolded in the middle of a circle of kinders holding instruments. One kinder at a time played their instrument and the bat had to rely on the hearing and point to the direction they heard the music coming from. Just like how bats rely on their hearing to locate food.

One kinder explains: "Bats make a screech sound and the screech sound echoes of the bug, so they can hear where the bug is, and they can go eat them."

Toilet Paper Roll Bats

Researching bats on iPads and recording wonderings and learning on stickies displayed on a giant bat tree mural. This is what they found to be the largest bat in the world.

Bat measurement with non-standard units of measure. One kinder learned that a common bat in Ontario named the small brown bat has a wingspan of 22-27cm. So, we cut out cardboard bats of that length and kinders measured with a variety of materials.

Non-Fiction printable Bat Books from

See my Hallowe'en Pinterest page for many of these great ideas and more.

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